Listening module in IELTS needs lots of patience and attention. Inattention could cause you to miss a crucial section of the recording and muddle the entire test. So how to improve your IELTS listening skills? Here are some crucial pointers for acing the IELTS listening section. To Learn more tips, join IELTS coaching classes in Chennai, and get trained under acquainted trainers.
Recognizeย the format of the exam
Before taking the IELTS exam, you should be comfortable with the listening module’s structure. It includes the number of sections, question types and the time allotted for each question. The listening module requires you to answer 40 questions in 30 minutes. This section of the exam has 4 modules with varying levels of toughness. To determine which area of the questions to tackle first, get to know the kind of questions that will be asked. Trying more IELTS listening practice tests helps you in understanding the format better.
Practice,ย Practice
The vital aspect of success in the IELTS listening module is practicing a more significant number of sample papers and listening to different recordings. This helps in understanding different accents, paces and topics of the recordings. Try listening to different types of English language media like English news channels, movies, tv shows and radio podcasts. This leads to a much-improved understanding of the words in the language. You can also search for IELTS listening practice tests: sample papers online and study with a partner. This will help you understand where you could improve and the mistakes you make.
Try to listen to the theme of the speech rather than understanding each and every word of the recording. So that you may quickly find the answers to your inquiries, you should be aware of the conversation’s main points or scope. Stay focused when invigilators speak, or a pen or a pencil falls from the table; this may help you listen to the audio without errors.
Predict the Sentences
When you get the title of the audio, try to predict what the content inside is. This will easily let you follow the recording and find the answers quickly. But this doesn’t mean not listening carefully to the audio and writing some random answers. For example, If the question is for a date or time of an event, you can predict the answer will be a number, making it easier to listen to a number in the recording. This is a helpful IELTS listening tip.
Take Effective Notes
Learn to practice taking effective notes while the audio is played. You will be given time before each section to read and understand the question. Get familiarized with the question in the given time and take short-hand notes. Use abbreviations, symbols, and numbers rather than writing the whole sentences. This significantly saves you time to focus more on the audio.
Pay Attention to the Instructions
Verify that you have read and thoroughly comprehended the instructions on the question paper. This helps in understanding the test better, and you would not panic. Listen to any special instruction that the invigilator or the examiner tells you that you would need to know. This is an essential IELTS listening tip. For example, the audio is only played once, and the time between each section for reading the question differs. So listen carefully to make sure everything is clear. Transfer the answer before the time completes.
Managing Time Efficiently
Time management is very crucial in IELTS listening exam. Listening module requires constant focus, attention and managing time so that you can hear the recordings clearly and answer the questions without panic. 40 questions must be answered in under 30 minutes. You must listen to the recording, take notes and transfer the answer within the given time. It is pretty challenging, but as it is already known, practice makes it better in time. Practicing a large number of IELTS Listening practice tests is crucial.
Check the Spelling
When you write your answers, double-check your spelling. Before moving on to the next question, check your work for spelling errors because they will cost you points for every incorrect spelling in the IELTS listening test. Carefully inspect the spellings of rare words and factual words. Keep in mind some words may sound similar but have different spelling. Examine the double f’s and t’s; this is where most candidates make mistakes. Lastly, remember to dot your I’s and cross your T’s.
Signal Words
An important IELTS listening tip is to pay attention to signal words such as “Firstly, Secondly, Finally, Although, However, Hence and Therefore”, as these words let you understand the speech’s structure and context. As the audio draws closer to the question, knowing which question is being asked from which part of the audio will help you maintain your concentration.
Leave No Questions Unanswered
Answering all questions accurately is one of the most important methods for succeeding in the IELTS listening test. Remembering that there are no negative marks for incorrect answers is essential, so it’s better to guess than to leave a question unanswered. Try to make a well-informed assumption based on the information you have heard if you are unsure of an answer. Even if you’re not entirely confident, write down your best guess, as you may still earn partial marks. Leaving questions unanswered is a surefire way to miss out on potential points, so make sure to attempt all questions and leave no stone unturned in your pursuit of a high score.
Get Feedback
It’s a good idea to seek comments from an instructor, tutor, or friend after practicing. Send them your practice test papers. Be receptive to both constructive and critical criticism. They are here to make you improve, not judge or belittle you. Send your IELTS listening practices and ask them to review it. Choose the tutor carefully; get help from someone who has a piece of better knowledge than you and knows their stuff. They can help by giving you tips on how to perform better and help you pinpoint your areas of weakness. After getting the feedback, reflect and act on it and develop an improvement plan.ย
Do not forget about other sections
Remember that you will also be examined on your reading, writing, and speaking abilities in addition to the listening portion of the exam. As you prepare for the entire test, ensure you allocate enough time to each section. It is critical that you must pay attention to all of the other IELTS exam sections.
Stay Calm
You shouldn’t become anxious if you don’t comprehend something. You can always skip over it and answer the subsequent question afterwards. Remain composed and keep in mind that the test is meant to be complicated. Understand that; you are not alone, stay calm and breathe.
End Summary
In conclusion, the IELTS listening test can be challenging, but with regular practice and preparation, you can improve your listening skills and perform well on test day. Using the tips above, you can better understand the test format, learn how to identify key information, and stay calm and focused during the exam. Remember to practice as many IELTS listening practice tests regularly, use your time wisely, and don’t get discouraged if you make mistakes. With determination and hard work, you can ace the IELTS listening test and achieve your desired score. Join IELTS coaching in Banglore to get more tips on cracking the IELTS examination. Good luck!