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RPA Interview Questions and Answers

Robotic Process Automation(RPA), is anticipated to be the future of Information Technology(IT) Industries. Numerous mundane tasks can be automated and performed easily with the implementation of RPA technology. Thus, many organizations have begun to adopt this technology to expand their business activities and increase their profits. According to the report submitted by the Job Portals of India, it is stated that RPA would generate more than 2 lakhs job opportunities in India by 2021. To equip oneself to the RPA developer profile, one should prepare themselves well for the Interview and they should have an idea about various questions that are asked to them in an RPA Interview.

Below are the specifically compiled Robotic Process Automation Interview Questions that are asked to fresher or experienced candidates in an Interview. This blog consists of 101 RPA Interview Questions, we would add several Interview questions that are prevalent in the market in the coming days to this blog. Refer to this blog before taking up an Interview and have an idea about the various RPA Interview Questions that are asked.

  1. Explain RPA.
Robotic Process Automation is the type of software that is used for automating the fundamental tasks in the software applications just like how we the human performs it. The Software bot will be trained for the workflow with various steps and applications. For example, sending emails, opening the attachments in the mail, checking the completeness of the form, documenting the form in the folder, and updating the spreadsheet with the respective form name. RPA Programming is specifically intended for diminishing the workload of monotonous work in an organization.
  1. What are the popular RPA tools you know?
The popular RPA Tools are as follows,
  • Blue Prism
  • UiPath
  • Work Fusion
  • Openspan
  • Automation Anywhere
  • LINX
  • Pega
  • Kofax
  • Kryon
  • G1ANT
  • Jacada
  • Automai
  • Jiffy RPA
  • Contextor
  • Onvisource
  • OpenConnect
  • NICE Systems
  • WinAutomation
  • Another Monday
  • AutomationEdge
  • Redwood Software
  • KOFAX from Lexmark
  1. List the different applications of RPA?
The various applications of RPA are as follows,
  • Barcode Scanning
  • Match PO and Invoice
  • Enter PO to receive invoices
  • Complete Invoice Processing.
  1. Which RPA provides an open platform for automation?
UiPath is an open-source RPA tool. It allows you to deploy or design any robotic workforce in their organization.
  1. Write the steps which you should follow to implement the Robotic Process Automation?
Six major steps are to be followed for successful RPA implementation are:
  • Identifying the Automation Opportunities
  • Optimizing the Identified Processes
  • Building a Business Case
  • Selecting the RPA Vendor to your choice
  • Model RPA Development
  • Start to Build Expertise RPA bots.
  1. What are the four phases of the RPA Lifecycle?
The four phases of the RPA Lifecycle are as follows,
  • Analysis
  • Bot Deployment
  • Testing Phase
  • Deployment and Maintenance
  1. How to create an RPA bot?
For creating an RPA bot, we should follow the below-mentioned steps:
  • Recording a task
  • Performing the bot implementation
  • Testing the bot
  • Uploading the bot for executing the automation tasks.
  1. What is the time duration for the Robotic Automation project?
Usually, any projects are measured in weeks. Besides, the complex projects may take more time based on the level of objects that are object reuse available.
  1. List the characteristics of RPA?
The following are the characteristics of RPA
  • Easy to use
  • User-friendly
  • Not Disruptive
  • Coding is not required
  • More efficient results in less time
  1. What are the pros of RPA according to you?
The pros of RPA are as follows:
  • Reduced errors
  • Lower turnover
  • Greater productivity
  • Enhanced job satisfaction. These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions that are asked to a fresher in an Interview.
  1. What are the cons of RPA?
The cons of RPA are as follows:
  • Redundancy
  • A huge threat of unemployment
  • Increase in complexities during implementation.
  1. Explain Citrix Automation.
This automation is used for automating the process like filling fields in forms, submitting the form to a virtual desktop application. We can also use the processes like data entry form filling by using the Citrix automation.
  1. How to invoke a UiPath workflow?
Workflows are the small pieces of general automation that are reusable and are applicable in different scenarios. UiPath is used in automating the similar processes. One can invoke the workflow using “Invoke Workflow” functions in the UiPath and this can be saved as a template. Also, we can combine two workflows for making it combined automation.
  1. Mention the industrial applications of RPA.
  • Banking– Automation in the credit card applications in a bank and helps in loan processing.
  • Retail- Updating the orders, managing the fake accounts, and processing shipping notifications.
  • Human Resource- Recruitment of Candidates, BackGround verification process, and Payroll Automation process.
  • Telecommunication- Monitoring the Subscriber feeds, Customer data updates, and Fraud management.
  1. Explain what you know about the Blue Prism tool?
Blue Prism software offers the business operations to be cost-effective and agile by automating the rule-based and repetitive back-office process.
  1. How to do screen scraping in RPA?
It is an essential component of the RPA toolkit. This is used for capturing the bitmap data from the screen. Also, it cross verifies the stored information for deciphering it.
  1. What is Information Collection in RPA?
In RPA Information collection means collecting and measuring information from multiple resources and preferably providing them to the robots. For executing their operations reliably and easily.
  1. What do you know about the Automation Anywhere tool?
Automation Anywhere provides powerful and User-Friendly RPA tools for automating the tasks of any complexity.
  1. Mention the current limitations of RPA?
  • The RPA tools can not understand any information which is non-electronic with the unstructured inputs.
  • Organizations must be aware of the diverse data input issues that are coming from multiple sources.
  • It is not a cognitive computing solution. This can remove the rule-based monotonous tasks. But it can not learn from experience and therefore it has the “shelf life”.
  • Employing RPA for a broken and inefficient process would not fix it.
  1. What is the difference between RPA and Traditional Operation?
Basis of Distinction RPA Traditional Operation
Technology Scalable, Non -Intrusive and Versatile. Non- Scalable, Intrusive, and less Versatile.
Interface Mimics human action. Relies on APIs and coding.
Customization The customization is very good. The customization is average.
Integration Integration is Excellent. The Integrations is Average.
These are the Common RPA Interview Questions that are asked to fresher in an Interview.
  1. What are the benefits of Screen Scraping?
The benefits of Screen scraping are,
  • Screen Scraping works on application elements. They are not accessible through the UI frameworks or code.
  • Tex digitization with Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
  • Easy for implementation and it is mostly accurate.
  1. List the different automation frameworks in software automation testing?
The different automation frameworks in the software automation testing are,
  • Data-driven framework
  • Keyword-driven framework
  • Hybrid automation framework
  • Modular automation framework.
  1. Explain what you know about UiPath?
UiPath is the Windows desktop software that is used for automation of various types of desktop-based and web applications.
  1. Is it possible to audit the RPA process? What are the benefits of the Audit process?
Yes, we can audit the RPA process. The benefit of auditing is it brings many strategies that could be easily adopted.
  1. What is a Thick Client and give some examples?
The Thick Client is Directly installed on the local machine itself. Example – Any apps such as browsers or notepad.
  1. What are the components of the RPA Solution Architecture?
  • Enterprise applications like ERP Solutions (SAP)
  • RPA tools โ€“ In multiple environments such as Web, Citrix, or desktop
  • RPA Platform โ€“ Scheduling, Monitoring, and Distributing the execution of software bots.
  • RPA Execution Infrastructure
  • Configuration management
  1. Do the Blue Prism needs coding?
Coding is not required for Blue Prism. It is code-free and it can automate the software. The Digital workforce can be applied for automating a process in any department. Where the administrative and clerical work is performed completely within the organization.
  1. Differentiate between RPA and Macros?
RPA Macros
It learns and enhances itself from the repetitive process. It can not learn from the repetitive process.
Robots can act Autonomously. Macros can not act Autonomously.
It responds to the external program and stimuli from itself. Macros do not respond to external stimuli.
Robots are highly secured for automation. Security is not a priority here.
  1. What is Thin Client and give some examples?
The Thin Client does not run on the local machine. It runs on a virtual client/ server. Example of Thin Client Server – VMware, virtual box.
  1. What is the basic difference between UiPath and Blue Prism?
Blue Prism uses the C# for coding. The UiPath uses the visual Basic for coding. These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions that are asked to a fresher and experienced candidate in an Interview.
  1. How to deploy the UiPath tool?
  • Install the UiPath tool on the system which you want for automating the processes.
  • The robot key from the orchestrator is taken for provisioning the machine and entering it to the Robot Configuration and other configuration URL that is found in the Admin area of the Orchestrator.
  • Publishing the procedure except, When you simply want to utilize the current procedure.
  • Create an environment.
  • Make release of the process and start the job.
  1. Elucidate Flow Switch in UiPath.
Flow switch also known as Flow decision is the flow chart that specifies the activities with the splits and the control flow into more than two branches based on the conditions. If any of the conditions are satisfied, then the task is executed.
  1. List the various types of recordings that are available in the UiPath?
The various types of recording are,
  • Web recording
  • Citrix recording
  • Basic recording
  • Desktop recording
  1. Which are the key metrics that should be taken into consideration for mapping the success of the automation test?
There are two key metrics for measuring the success of the automation testing and they are,
  • Defect Detection Ratio
  • Reduction in the cost of various modules.
  1. What are the different activities performed by the UiPath?
The various activities performed by the UiPath are
  • PDF activities
  • FTP activities
  • Web activities
  • Core activities
  • Word activities
  • Mail activities
  • Excel activities
  • Python activities
  • Cognitive activities
  • Credential activities
  • Terminal activities
  • Database activities
  • Intelligent OCR activities
  1. Which are the important aspects that are to be considered in the planning phase of the automation?
The important aspects are,
  • Test environment
  • Choosing the right RPA tool
  • Identification of deliverables
  • Selecting the right framework
  • Various items like in scope and out of scope based on the tasks.
  1. List the scripting standards that we should consider during the automation testing?
  • Adequate indentation
  • Uniform naming convention during testing
  • 3 Lines of comments is a must for every 10 lines of code.
  • Using the Frameworks wherever possible.
  • Recovery scenario and Robust error handling situations.
  1. What is IQbots?
The IQbots permits continuous learning and enhances the process automation. Also, these bots manage fuzzy rules. The IQbots learn from the real-time scenarios and it extracts the languages from a given data.
  1. What are the different types of bots?
The different types of Bots in the RPA process are,
  • IQ Bot
  • Chatbot
  • TaskBot
  • MetaBot
  1. Elucidate Process studio in RPA?
The Process Studio is the Interface where we can develop the actual flow of the business which you want to automate. This permits control loops, business logic, variables and more to be tested and sequenced in the visible business flow. This implements the software bots logic. In general, the processes that are defined in the process studio is similar to the flowchart. These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions that are asked to Fresher and Experienced candidates in an Interview.
  1. Define the term Single Block Activity in UiPath?
Single Block Activity is also known as a sequence in the small project that is used for linear processes. This allows us to go from one activity to another activity in a sequential manner and acts as the Single Block Activity. This is reused when required for automation as an individual or as part of a state machine.
  1. What is a Bot?
The bot is the set of commands that are used for automating the task.
  1. What is the basic goal of an RPA Process?
The basic objective behind the development of an RPA process helps to replace the tedious and repetitive tasks performed by humans, by a virtual workforce.
  1. How to use the assign and delay activity in the UiPath?
Assign Activity: The assign activity is generally used for assigning a value or the output to a variable. Also, this can be used inside the loop and array. Delay Activity: The Delay activity is used in delaying or pausing the automation for a specific duration.
  1. What is the term dynamic selectors?
When the selector information changes constantly, then it is known as dynamic selectors.
  1. What is the role of Selectors in Uipath?
Selectors are the type of automation that uses the finite number of states in its execution. An activity is entered as s state only if it is triggered. Also, it exists in the state only when the other activity is triggered. The activities of the state machine are as follows,
  • Entry
  • Exit
  • Transitions.
  1. What are the examples of TaskBot?
The examples of TaskBot are HR Administration and Payment Procedure.
  1. Mention the default timeout limit in the timeout property?
3000 milliseconds is the default timeout limit.
  1. Elucidate the term workflow Designer.
This is the graphical representation way of coding. Here the condition decision-based task is added to the whole process requirement.
  1. Differentiate between TaskBot and Meta bot.
Features TaskBot Meta bot
Core Competency Used in the Frontend. Facilitates the scalability feature with the next-gen integration.
Used In Mundane and Rule-based tasks. Scalable and Complex process.
These are the Common RPA Interview Questions that are asked to a fresher in an Interview.
  1. How to create an argument in UiPath?
For creating an argument –
  • On the designer panel, Click the option Arguments. The Argument panel will be displayed.
  • Then, select the Create Argument line option.
  1. Mention two email automation commands?
The two automation commands are Email Automation and Send Email.
  1. How would you remove an argument in the UiPath?
To remove an argument- On the Argument panel, Choose an Argument or Right-Click on the Argument and press the Delete option.
  1. What are the different types of Default Logs?
There are six different types of Default logs and they are
  • Error log
  • Debugging log
  • Execution Start
  • Execution End
  • Transaction Start
  • Transaction End
  1. What are the types of variable are there in Automation Anywhere?
Two types of applications are there in Automation Anywhere:
  • System Variable
  • Local Variable.
  1. Elucidate the term Element mask.
It is the future of the application modeler. The Element mask allows you to copy an attribute selection of one element and apply it to the others.
  1. What is the type of support that is needed to handle the operation of the process that is based on RPA?
This depends on the kind of expertise and skills that are required for specific projects, tasks or processes. Though it is not always necessary that the tasks should be completed using similar RPA skills.
  1. Explain how the Chatbots are different from RPA?
The Chatbot is the bot that programmed to chat with the user like a human being. While RPA is the bot that is programmed for automating a manual business process of executing an activity or task within the business function.
  1. In the Agile method, when you would not use the automation testing?
While the requirements are frequently changing or when your documentation process becomes massive. It is preferable to avoid the automation testing method in this situation.
  1. What are the user-defined logs?
The user-defined log fields are,
  • Level
  • Jobid
  • Message
  • FileName
  • Timestamp
  • Robot Name
  • Process Name
  • Process Version
  • Windows Identity.
These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions for freshers in an Interview.
  1. What is the use of PGP?
The PGP allows you to encrypt and decrypt the file by assigning the passphrase.
  1. What are the other two differences between Blue Prism and UiPath?
Features Blue Prism UiPath
Control Dashboard/ Room Blue Prism is the client-based server app. UiPath Orchestrator is the web-based app.
Cost It requires a higher cost of acquiring to use it. This requires a lower cost for development.
  1. Explain any three characteristics of RPA in detail?
  • Code Free: No programming skills are required for RPA. Anyone can be an expert in the RPA automation tools and can be trained easily in RPA automation tools. The complete work revolves around the RPA chart that provides the flowchart designs for graphically linking, dragging, and dropping the icons to represent the steps in a process.
  • User-Friendly: The adoption of RPA originates within the business operations other than the inside IT departments. The RPA project requires less IT skills and investment. Also, automation is eventually lowered to a substantial rate.
  • Non- Disruptive: The RPA avoids risk and complexity. Software robots access the end user’s system through a controller user interface and thus, reducing the necessity of the underlying systems programming.
  1. Explain any four activities performed by the UiPath?
  • Core Activities- This is used for the automation process.
  • Credential Activites- This is used for enabling the functions of Adding and Deleting of credentials.
  • Cognitive Activities- This is used for language translations.
  • Database Activities- It is used for executing the queries and transactions.
  1. What do you mean by Break Activity in UiPath?
It changes you to finish a loop at a chosen point value and allows you to continue with the next activity.
  1. What are the types of Script you can Run?
We can run the JavaScript and VB Script.
  1. What are the popular RPA Vendors?
The popular RPA vendors are,
  • NICE
  • Verint
  • Kofax
  • EdgeVerve
  • Open span
  • Blue Prism
  • BlackLine
  • Datamatics
  • HelpSystems
  • Automation Anywhere
  1. Explain the lifecycle of RPA in detail?
  • Analysis: It is the starting phase of the RPA lifecycle that analyzes the business process of RPA development.
  • Bot Development: This team works on fulfilling the needs of the automation tasks.
  • Testing Phase: The development team should perform quality checks of the bots.
  • Deployment and Maintenance: It is maintained and deployed by the respective team.
  1. Mention the benefits of using RPA in detail?
The key benefits of using the RPA are as follows:
  • Reduces costs – It reduces the size of the workforce by automating all the repetitive and manual tasks.
  • Customer Satisfaction- This eliminates human errors and also helps in providing a lower level of operational risk.
  • Improvise the Data Quality- It develops consistency with the standardized processes.
  • Increase in productivity- This expands the virtual workforce easily and quickly.
  1. What are the various ways to create variables in UiPath?
On the variable window, using the Control+K in the property window, on the toolbar. We can create variables in the Uipath. These are the Basic RPA Interview questions that are asked to a fresher in an Interview.
  1. What do you mean by partial selectors?
The information specified in the Selector on the attached window or in the attach browsers are partial selectors.
  1. What is a variable in UiPath?
Variables in the UiPath are the naming conventions that are used for storing one or more variables.
  1. Can we select the capture selectors in the Citrix environment?
No, we can not select the capture selectors in the Citrix environment.
  1. How does the Blue Prism interact with the SAP control to extend the functionality?
One can use the XML files. The XML files are as follows
  • SAPEelments.XML
  • Actions.XML
  1. Can we read PDF through Automation Anywhere?
It is possible to read the PDF through the Automation Anywhere. As we have the PDFcommands to read the PDF data.
  1. List the commands that are located in the Client Room?
Client Room is the place where we develop the bot. .run .ROI .record .Trigger .repository .Tasks .workflow .MY TASKS .new .Reports .Properties
  1. What do you mean by FOR Each Activity in UiPath?
FOR Each activity allows you to qualify to move via lists value, arrays function, database condition value and other examples of the groups that you seat to iterate done and the data also process the piece of data individually.
  1. Explain While Activity in UiPath?
The While Activity permits you to perform a particular process usually when a specific requirement is met. The major opposition within this is also the DoWhile action that the conditions are evaluated before a body of the explicit loop is being executed.
  1. What do you mean by package manager in the UiPath?
These are set by error to the feed where the Package Managers in the Studio gets more of its movements. It compares over the gallery part of the Manage Package Window path. The UiPath. settings folder are located in the %programdata%\UiPath folder.
  1. What are the Control Flow Activities in UiPath?
The Control Flow is the thought that functions within a form in which the particular actions remain as known. On the UiPath, you can do the activities that you drop within the workflow. If Else or For Each report, we should carefully place the loops. These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions that are asked to a fresher in an Interview.
  1. Who will create the PDD?
The Client SME or the Blue Prism Analyst.
  1. What do you mean by Application Navigator?
The Application Modeler has a feature called Application Navigator that provides a review of all the Accessibility Elements that are available within the applications and they can be found easily and selected.
  1. Can We launch the application through process name?
Yes, we can launch the application through the process name.
  1. Is it possible to run a session for multiple times?
No, it is not possible to run the session for multiple times.
  1. Is it possible to run a process by the login agent runtime resource?
We can not run a process by a login agent runtime resource.
  1. What are the different types of variables that are available in the Task Editor?
Four different variables are available in the Automation Anywhere and they are,
  • List
  • Value
  • Array
  • Random
  1. Can we use the environment variable for changing the value between the session?
No, we can not use the environment variable to change the value of the session.
  1. Which Hardware Infrastructure is required to run the Blue Prism’s Robotic Automation Platform?
The Blue Prism is specifically designed for flexibility and to meet the robust IT standards for the IT operational security, integrity, and supportability. The Software could be deployed either as the front office or back office process. It can run efficiently on the standard desktop on the front office or the other scale of systems for the back-office processing.
  1. Explain the various types of variables that are available in the MetaBot?
The three types of variables that are available in Megabot are:-
  • Value
  • Array
  • password
  1. Why should I opt for Blue Prism?
The reasons for choosing the Blue Prism are
  • The Automation process could be designed within the IT Governance.
  • Blue Prism supports both internal and external that is Encryption/Decryption keys.
  • The Blue Prism provides Audit Logs enabling.
  • The High-Level robustness is there in Blue Prism because of the .net customized code within process automation. ( A tool that is capable of doing every activity which can be done using the .NET)
These are the Common RPA Interview Question for freshers and experienced.
  1. Which language is used to build the objects?
The languages used to build the objects are Virtual Basic, C#, and J#.
  1. How would you assess the process of RPA and calculate the FTE Saves?
There are no specific rules, but following some of the attributes helps you to identify the process that should possess,
  • Rule-based
  • Disparate system
  • High transaction volumes
  • Manual data entry and extraction
  • Multiple handling of similar data
  1. How would you configure the scheduler settings for retrying the resources offline?
  • Navigate to the System Tab -> Under System, Click Scheduler option. You will find the Resilience Section here.
  • If you find that the resource is Offline then, retry the above steps immediately.
  1. How do you get the value from the application, if they change for each transaction?
It could be performed by identifying the static element and the use of Scrape Relative Functionality for extracting the values.
  1. Which tool has the feature of recording future events and which tool is best for virtual automation?
UI path tool is best suited for the virtual environment and recording the future.
  1. How do you identify the Column in the database in the UI path Studio?
We can identify a column by the following methods,
  • Using a Column Index
  • Using a Column Name
  1. When you scrape some text and you come to know that it contains only digits, how would you make scrape better?
We can use Google OCR with the “Number Option ” only.
  1. On the UiPath Studio, how the Elements are recognized on the screen?
It can be recognized by the attributes of the UI Elements.
  1. List the difference between Mainframe and Non-Mainframe Applications?
Mainframe Applications Non-mainframe applications
Mainframe Applications are the single screen and keyboard-based application. We use the token in the Blue Prism during the Environment locking.
They are the Separate set in-built commands that are supported by the Blue Prism, especially for the mainframe applications. It controls the moves from one screen to another screen.
  1. When do you use the token in Blue Prism?
We use the token in the Blue Prism during the Environment locking. These are the Basic RPA Interview Questions that are asked to fresher and an experienced candidate during an RPA Interview.
  1. How do you say that RPA is the Wide-Range of Automationin use?
The RPA speeds up and executes the accuracy across various fields namely healthcare, banking, insurance, and telecommunications. The virtually complicated programs are automated using a wide range of applications and improve the transaction process.

The above are the commonly asked RPA Interview Question in an Interview. We also provide professional training for the RPA course under the guidance of trained experts. RPA Training in Chennai at FITA provides a comprehensive understanding of the technology with the latest tools in the market along with certification. The certificate provided by our institute is authentic and it is widely accepted in the market. To get more knowledge about the RPA and its career opportunities refer to our website.

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    Adambakkam, Adyar, Akkarai, Alandur, Alapakkam, Alwarpet, Alwarthirunagar, Ambattur, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Aminjikarai, Anakaputhur, Anna Nagar, Anna Salai, Arumbakkam, Ashok Nagar, Avadi, Ayanavaram, Besant Nagar, Bharathi Nagar, Camp Road, Cenotaph Road, Central, Chetpet, Chintadripet, Chitlapakkam, Chengalpattu, Choolaimedu, Chromepet, CIT Nagar, ECR, Eechankaranai, Egattur, Egmore, Ekkatuthangal, Gerugambakkam, Gopalapuram, Guduvanchery, Guindy, Injambakkam, Irumbuliyur, Iyyappanthangal, Jafferkhanpet, Jalladianpet, Kanathur, Kanchipuram, Kandhanchavadi, Kandigai, Karapakkam, Kasturbai Nagar, Kattankulathur, Kattupakkam, Kazhipattur, Keelkattalai, Kelambakkam, Kilpauk, KK Nagar, Kodambakkam, Kolapakkam, Kolathur, Kottivakkam, Kotturpuram, Kovalam, Kovilambakkam, Kovilanchery, Koyambedu, Kumananchavadi, Kundrathur, Little Mount, Madambakkam, Madhavaram, Madipakkam, Maduravoyal, Mahabalipuram, Mambakkam, Manapakkam, Mandaveli, Mangadu, Mannivakkam, Maraimalai Nagar, Medavakkam, Meenambakkam, Mogappair, Moolakadai, Moulivakkam, Mount Road, MRC Nagar, Mudichur, Mugalivakkam, Muttukadu, Mylapore, Nandambakkam, Nandanam, Nanganallur, Nanmangalam, Narayanapuram, Navalur, Neelankarai, Nesapakkam, Nolambur, Nungambakkam, OMR, Oragadam, Ottiyambakkam, Padappai, Padi, Padur, Palavakkam, Pallavan Salai, Pallavaram, Pallikaranai, Pammal, Parangimalai, Paruthipattu, Pazhavanthangal, Perambur, Perumbakkam, Perungudi, Polichalur, Pondy Bazaar, Ponmar, Poonamallee, Porur, Pudupakkam, Pudupet, Purasaiwakkam, Puzhuthivakkam, RA Puram, Rajakilpakkam, Ramapuram, Red Hills, Royapettah, Saidapet, Saidapet East, Saligramam, Sanatorium, Santhome, Santhosapuram, Selaiyur, Sembakkam, Semmanjeri, Shenoy Nagar, Sholinganallur, Singaperumal Koil, Siruseri, Sithalapakkam, Srinivasa Nagar, St Thomas Mount, T Nagar, Tambaram, Tambaram East, Taramani, Teynampet, Thalambur, Thirumangalam, Thirumazhisai, Thiruneermalai, Thiruvallur, Thiruvanmiyur, Thiruverkadu, Thiruvottiyur, Thoraipakkam, Thousand Light, Tidel Park, Tiruvallur, Triplicane, TTK Road, Ullagaram, Urapakkam, Uthandi, Vadapalani, Vadapalani East, Valasaravakkam, Vallalar Nagar, Valluvar Kottam, Vanagaram, Vandalur, Vasanta Nagar, Velachery, Vengaivasal, Vepery, Vettuvankeni, Vijaya Nagar, Villivakkam, Virugambakkam, West Mambalam, West Saidapet

    FITA Velachery or T Nagar or Thoraipakkam OMR or Anna Nagar or Tambaram or Porur or Pallikaranai branch is just few kilometre away from your location. If you need the best training in Chennai, driving a couple of extra kilometres is worth it!