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Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus

We will be looking into Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, where youโ€™ll know how to master front-end and back-end development with the versatile capabilities of Python: from crafting responsive web interfaces using Django or Flask to leveraging the power of Python in data handling and automation, youโ€™ll create dynamic websites and robust APIs. Then, youโ€™ll learn how to manage databases with SQL and NoSQL, deploy applications using industry standards like Docker and AWS, and hone your testing, security, and performance-boosting skills.

Programming with Python

Youโ€™ll dive into Python programming, covering fundamental syntax, object-oriented programming, and data processing with libraries like NumPy and Pandas. Gain practical experience in building web and data science applications, and deploying Python projects for real-world use in this Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus.

Introduction to Python

You will learn about the Python language, its history, and special features, set up the environment, and write your first program. This course teaches you to manipulate identifiers, keywords, indentation, comments, command line arguments, user input, standard primitive data types, and variables.

  • What is Python and the history of Python
  • Unique features of Python
  • Python-2 and Python-3 differences
  • Install Python and Environment Setup
  • First Python Program
  • Python Identifiers, Keywords and Indentation
  • Comments and document interlude in Python
  • Command line arguments
  • Getting User Input
  • Python Basic Data Types
  • What are variables?

List, Ranges & Tuples in Python

In this module of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, you will learn about the basics of data storage using Lists, efficiency in iteration provided by Generators and comprehensions, the power of Ranges for generating sequences, and versatility offered by Tuples within Pythonโ€™s dynamic environments.

  • Introduction
  • Lists in Python
  • More About Lists
  • Understanding Iterators
  • Generators, Comprehensions and Lambda Expressions
  • Understanding and using Ranges

Python Dictionaries and Sets

In this section of Python basics, you will learn how to create, manipulate, and use advanced features of dictionaries and sets.

  • Introduction to the section
  • Python Dictionaries
  • More on Dictionaries
  • Sets
  • Python Sets Examples

Input and Output in Python

In this module of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, you will learn how to undertake input and output operations in Python. You will be taught how to open and read files of text and append data.

  • Reading and writing text files
  • writing Text Files
  • Appending to Files and Challenge
  • Writing Binary Files Manually
  • Using Pickle to Write Binary Files

Python Functions

You will learn to define and call Python functions and how to create user-defined and anonymous functions, and youโ€™ll master the use of loops and statements.

  • Python user-defined functions
  • Python packages functions
  • Defining and calling Function
  • The anonymous Functions
  • Loops and statements in Python
  • Python Modules & Packages

Python Object Oriented

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, you will learn the basics of OOP principles, class and object creation, attribute access methods, the availability of a set of built-in class attributes, and proper object destruction management.

  • Overview of OOP
  • Creating Classes and Objects
  • Accessing attributes
  • Built-In Class Attributes
  • Destroying Objects

Python Exceptions Handling

You will learn Python exception handling by understanding all the basics of exceptions: what they are, the try-except-else/try-finally clauses, Python standard exceptions, raising exceptions, and how to create your own custom ones.

  • What is Exception?
  • Handling an exception
  • tryโ€ฆ.exceptโ€ฆelse
  • try-finally clause
  • Argument of an Exception
  • Python Standard Exceptions
  • Raising an exceptions
  • User-Defined Exceptions

Python Regular Expressions

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus, youโ€™ll master the art of pattern matching with match and search, understand the nuances between matching and searching, delve into powerful search and replace techniques, explore extended regex features, and harness the flexibility of wildcards for robust text processing.

  • What are regular expressions?
  • The match Function
  • The search Function
  • Matching vs searching
  • Search and Replace
  • Extended Regular Expressions
  • Wildcard

Useful Additions

In this module of FITA Academyโ€™s Python Course, Youโ€™ll explore advanced techniques, such as using collections like named tuples and default dictionaries to save time working with data.

  • Collections โ€“ named tuples, default dicts
  • Debugging and breakpoints
  • Using IDEs

Django Framework for Python

In this module of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, you will learn the basics of building robust web applications using Django and how to use some of Djangoโ€™s best features, including URL routing, database integration using ORM, template rendering, and user authentication for fast development of your apps. Learn how Django abstracts away a lot of complexity in tasks, such as form handling and the creation of an admin interface, so you can effectively develop scalable and safe web projects. You will learn more about the Django Framework through the Full Stack Developer Tutorial.


You will get to know Django through this module: how to set it up, configure its settings module, handle requests and responses, run the development server, and use the power of the Django admin site for efficient management of your project.

  • Django Installation
  • Settings module
  • Requests and responses
  • Running development server
  • Django admin site introduction

Models Layer

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus, youโ€™ll explore Djangoโ€™s models layer, mastering field types and customization for robust data management.

  • Model introduction
  • Field types and customization
  • Making queries
  • Accessing related objects
  • Django migrations
  • Raw SQL, search
Boost your expertise in the above topics by joining the Python Full Stack Developer Course in Chennai.

View Layer

In this module, You will be learning to leverage view functions, URL configuration, shortcuts, and decorators to learn how to generate dynamic views in Django and handle user interactions.

  • View functions
  • URLConfs
  • Shortcuts and decorators
  • Request and response objects
  • File upload
  • Class based views
  • Mixins
  • Generating CSV and pdf

Template Layer

This course focuses on the template layer, including tag and filter built-ins and how to humanize data, custom extensions, and CSRF token security.

  • Overview of template language
  • Built-in tags and filters
  • Humanization
  • Custom tags and filters
  • Csrf token


In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, youโ€™ll be introduced to the fundamental principles of forms, covering the Forms API, various form validation techniques, and how to effectively use built-in fields and widgets.

  • Introduction
  • Forms API
  • Validating forms
  • Built-in fields, built-in widgets
  • Model form
  • Form sets

Internationalization and Localization

You will learn how to implement internationalization for the design of applications sensitive to several languages and cultural preferences, localize UI and form inputs, and cope with a diversity of audiences around the world.

  • Internationalization
  • Localization
  • Localizing UI and form inputs.
  • Time zones

Common Web Application Tools

This module will cover authentication in Django, password and caching systems, logging, email handling, syndication, pagination, messaging, serialization, sessions, site mapping, static files, signals, and Bootstrap for responsive Web design.

  • Authentication
    • Django built-in authentications
    • Password management
    • Customizing authentication
  • Caching
  • Logging
  • Sending email
  • Syndication feeds (RSS/Atom)
  • Pagination
  • Message Framework
  • Serialization
  • Sessions
  • Site maps.
  • Static file management.
  • Signals
  • Introduction to bootstrap framework.

Real-Time Projects

You will step directly into real-time projects to create a URL-shortening service similar to Bitly for link management. You will clone Twitter to learn how to build dynamic social media platforms from scratch.

Bitly โ€“ a URL shortening service similar to

Twitter โ€“ Clone of twitter site.

TypeScript Framework

In this section of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, youโ€™ll dive into the fundamentals of the Typescript framework. Youโ€™ll discover the advantages of TypeScript and gain a solid understanding of Node, including how to set up your Node environment. Weโ€™ll guide you through installing and configuring the TypeScript engine, and youโ€™ll learn about the crucial process of transpilation. If you want to get a good job with a high Full Stack Developer Salary for Freshers, learning Typescript is essential.

TypeScript Framework

In this module, youโ€™ll explore the world of TypeScript, starting with an introduction to its features and advantages, like enhanced code readability and early bug detection. Youโ€™ll also get an overview of Node.js and learn how to set up your Node environment. Additionally, youโ€™ll discover how to install and configure the TypeScript engine, enabling seamless transpilation of TypeScript to JavaScript.

  • Introduction to TypeScript
  • Advantages of TypeScript
  • Overview of Node and Node Environment Setup
  • Installing and Configuring TypeScript Engine
  • Understanding Transpilation

TypeScript Variables and Data Types

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, youโ€™ll learn about declaring and defining variables in TypeScript, including the use of the versatile โ€œanyโ€ type. Weโ€™ll compare the โ€œvarโ€ and โ€œletโ€ keywords and delve into static and dynamic typing. Additionally, youโ€™ll explore various data types such as String, Number, Array, Object, Tuple, Enum, Void, and NULL, understanding their uses and implications in TypeScript development.

  • Declaring and Defining Variables
  • About โ€œanyโ€
  • โ€œvarโ€ Vs โ€œletโ€ keywords
  • Static and Dynamic Type
  • Data types: String, Number, Array, Object, Tuple, Enum, Void and NULL

OOPS in TypeScript

In this module, youโ€™ll delve into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in TypeScript, starting with defining classes and creating objects. Youโ€™ll explore properties, methods, and constructors, and learn how to handle inheritance, including the different types of inheritance in TypeScript. Additionally, youโ€™ll gain an understanding of access modifiers, static methods, and the role of interfaces in TypeScript.

  • Defining Class and Creating Objects
  • Property, Methods and Constructors
  • Handling Inheritance
  • Types of Inheritance in TypeScript
  • Understanding Access Modifiers
  • Static Methods in TypeScript
  • Understanding Interfaces in TypeScript

Programming with Angular 7/8

This section of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus teaches you how to use Angular 7/8 to build dynamic and responsive web applications. You will master the basics of TypeScript, get familiar with Components, Services, Routing of Angular, and finally, use RxJS for real-time functionality to achieve robust and maintainable frontend solutions for modern web projects. Angular is an important concept and will be part of Full Stack Developer Interview Questions and Answers.

Introducing Angular

This course will cover Angular, including its MVC architecture, modules, data binding, directives, templates, and services. Youโ€™ll learn about Angularโ€™s advantages and the distinctions between frameworks and libraries. Additionally, youโ€™ll compare single-page applications (SPAs) with traditional apps and explore MVC in both client and server-side contexts. Key Angular elements such as modules, data binding, directives, templates, metadata, services, dependency injection, and components will be thoroughly examined.

  • What is Angular
  • Advantages of using Angular
  • Understanding Differences between a Framework and a Library
  • Understanding Single Page Applications (SPA)
  • SPA Vs. Traditional Applications
  • Understanding the MVC Architecture
  • MVC in Client and Server Side
  • Elements of Angular
    • Modules
    • Data Binding Directive
    • Templates
    • Metadata
    • Services
    • Dependency Injection
    • Angular Components
Advance your career in Full Stack by joining our Python Full Stack Developer Courses in Bangalore.

Angular 7/8 โ€“ Environment Setup

In this module of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, youโ€™ll learn how to set up an Angular environment using Node.js and NPM and efficiently manage projects with Angular CLI. Youโ€™ll explore the benefits of Angular CLI, create an Angular app, and understand the applicationโ€™s file structure. Additionally, youโ€™ll discover how to execute your Angular application and implement code linting using Webpack for effective application bundling and running.

  • Installing Node.js and understanding Node Package Manager ( NPM )
  • What is Angular CLI
  • Advantages of using Angular CLI to manage Projects
  • Installing Angular CLI
  • Create an Angular App with CLI
  • Angular Application File Structure
  • Executing Angular Application
  • Code Linting
  • Installing and Understanding Webpack

Angular Modules

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus, youโ€™ll learn about Angular Modules and their importance in structuring your application. Youโ€™ll understand when and why to use Angular Modules, delve into the specifics of NgModule, and explore Root, Feature, and Shared Modules. Additionally, youโ€™ll gain insights into using providers, managing imports, and bootstrapping your Angular application for optimal performance and organization.

  • Understanding Angular Modules
  • When to use Angular Modules
  • Understanding NgModule
  • Understanding Root Modules, Feature Modules, Shared Modules
  • Using Providers, Managing Imports
  • Bootstrapping Angular Application

Angular Components

In this module, youโ€™ll delve into the essentials of Angular components, uncovering their structure and the intricacies of their interaction and lifecycle. Youโ€™ll master the use of ngOnInit and explore all lifecycle hooks, enhancing your understanding of change detection and Zone.js. Additionally, youโ€™ll work with component decorators and their metadata and learn effective techniques for passing data between child and parent components.

  • Understanding Components
  • Understanding Components Structure
  • Components Interaction and Component Lifecycle
  • Using ngOnInt
  • Exploring All Lifecycle Hooks
  • Understanding Change Detection
  • Working with Zone.js
  • Working with Component Decorator and its Metadata
  • Passing Data between Child and Parent

Angular โ€“ Data and Event Bindings

In this section of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, you will learn how to master data and event bindings in Angular. You will learn the very basics of data binding, two-way data binding, working with style and class bindings, and diving deeper into event binding with element reference and event filtering techniques.

  • Understanding Data Binding
  • Explaining Two-way Data Binding
  • Working with Style Binding and Class Binding
  • Understanding and Exploring Event Binding
  • Element Reference and Event Filtering

Angular Pipes

In this module, youโ€™ll thoroughly understand Angular Pipes, their uses, and how to parameterize them. Youโ€™ll explore the differences between Pipes and Directives and learn about various Pipes like Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Percent, Currency, Date, Slice, and JSON. Additionally, youโ€™ll understand Pure vs. Impure Pipes, the PipeTransform interface, and how to chain multiple Pipes for enhanced functionality effectively.

  • Understanding Pipes in Angular
  • Uses of Pipes
  • Parameterizing Pipes
  • Pipes Vs. Directives
  • Exploring Pipes: Uppercase, Lowercase, Number, Percent, Currency, Date,
  • Slice, Json
  • Difference between Pure Pipes and Impure Pipes
  • The PipeTransform Interface
  • Chaining Pipes

Creating Custom Pipes

In this section of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, youโ€™ll learn how to create custom pipes in Angular, enhancing your ability to transform and display data in your applications. Weโ€™ll cover the basics of pipe creation, the syntax required, and practical examples to ensure you can effectively implement and utilize custom pipes in your projects. By the end, youโ€™ll have the skills to craft powerful, reusable pipes tailored to your needs.

Angular Services and Dependency Injection

In this module, youโ€™ll learn how Angular services manage shared data and logic and how to create and use them effectively. Weโ€™ll explore the Singleton pattern, dependency injection, and the role of injectors and providers. Youโ€™ll also understand how @Injectable() and hierarchical DI enhance your appโ€™s architecture.

  • Understanding Services
  • Purpose of Using Services
  • Creating Services in Angular
  • Overview of Singleton Object
  • Understanding Dependency Injection
  • Injectors and Providers
  • @Injectable() and Hierarchical DI

Angular Routing and Advanced Routing

In this section of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, youโ€™ll dive into the essential aspects of Angular routing, mastering both basic and advanced techniques. Youโ€™ll learn how to configure and define routing in your Angular application, grasp the intricacies of static and dynamic routes, and efficiently handle routing parameters. Weโ€™ll also cover passing and fetching route parameters and creating child routes to build complex, hierarchical navigation structures.

  • Understanding the Essentiality of Routing
  • Configuring and Defining Routing in Angular Application
  • Understanding the Routing Parameters
  • Understanding Static and Dynamic Routes
  • Passing and Fetching Route Parameters
  • Creating Child Route

Angular Template-Driven Forms

In this section of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus, you will delve into the essentials of Angular Template-Driven Forms. Youโ€™ll explore how to set up and manage forms, including understanding ngForm and how to access and set default values. Learn about various form states, validation techniques, and Form Groups and Controlsโ€™ roles.

  • Introduction to Forms
  • Overview of Template-Driven Forms
  • Setting up Forms in Angular and Forms Control
  • Understanding ngForm
  • Accessing Form Values and setting default form values
  • Understanding Various Forms States
  • Form Validations
  • Form Groups and Form Control Class
  • Understanding One-Way Data Binding in Angular Forms
Enhance your skills in Full Stack Development by enrolling in our Python Full Stack Developer Course in Coimbatore.

Angular Reactive Forms

In this section of the Python Full Stack Syllabus, you will dive into Angular Reactive Forms, where youโ€™ll explore the power and flexibility of managing form data and validation dynamically. Youโ€™ll understand the differences between template-driven and Reactive Forms, master form control synchronization with the view, and learn how to implement dynamic validations. Additionally, youโ€™ll discover how to retrieve and manipulate form values effectively to enhance your applicationโ€™s user experience.

  • Understanding Reactive Forms
  • Template Driven Forms Vs. Reactive Forms
  • Reactive Form Control and Sync View
  • Dynamic Validations in Reactive Forms
  • Getting Reactive Form Values

Angular Asynchronous Operations and Advanced HTTP

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Syllabus, youโ€™ll master Angularโ€™s asynchronous operations and advanced HTTP techniques. Youโ€™ll learn to use Event Emitters for data transfer, create custom events, and understand async programming. Youโ€™ll also explore HTTP mechanisms, manage requests and responses, and work with Observables and custom Observables to effectively connect your Angular application with backend APIs. It is essential to join the Best Full Stack Developer Course Online to gain complete knowledge on the subject.

  • Understanding Event Emitter
  • Transferring Data with Event Emitter
  • Creating Custom Events and Trigger
  • ng-content and ng-container
  • Introduction to Async
  • Understanding HTTP mechanism
  • Handling HTTP Request and Response
  • Introduction to Observable and Observer
  • Call back Methods in Observable
  • Creating Custom Observable
  • Connecting backend and APIs

Angular Authorizations

In this module of the Python Full Stack Developer Course Syllabus, youโ€™ll dive into the essential authorisation concepts in Angular applications. Youโ€™ll explore client-side and server-side authorization techniques to secure your app effectively. By creating and setting up route guards, youโ€™ll ensure that users access only the appropriate routes based on their permissions. Additionally, youโ€™ll gain insight into HTTP interceptors, which are crucial for handling and managing authentication tokens and requests seamlessly.

  • Understanding Client-side Authorization and Server Side Authorization
  • Creating Guard in Angular
  • Understanding Route Guard
  • Setting up Route Guard
  • Understanding HTTP Interceptors

Angular Animations

In this module, Youโ€™ll explore the essentials of Angular Animations, including setup, states, and transitions. Youโ€™ll learn how to animate properties and manage timing and gain skills in creating multistep animations using keyframes. By the end, youโ€™ll know how to enhance your Angular apps with engaging, smooth animations.

  • Introduction to Animations
  • Animations Setup
  • Understanding States & Transitions
  • Entering and Leaving from States
  • Animatable Properties and Units
  • Automatic Property Calculations
  • Understanding Animation Timing
  • Multistep Animation using Keyframes

Testing Angular Applications

In this module, youโ€™ll explore testing Angular applications from the ground up. Begin with unit testing and set up Jasmine for effective component testing. Youโ€™ll learn to create robust test scenarios, use the Karma test runner, and master end-to-end testing with Protractor to ensure your applications are thoroughly validated.

  • Introduction to Testing
  • Unit Testing
  • Setup Jasmine Framework
  • Basics to Test Components
  • Components Test Scenarios
  • Introduction to Karma
  • E2E Testing and Protractor

Angular Security and Internalization

In this course, youโ€™ll discover key Angular security practices and internalization techniques. Youโ€™ll learn to protect your app by sanitizing dangerous values and using Angularโ€™s trust APIs like bypassSecurityTrustHtml and bypassSecurityTrustUrl. Weโ€™ll also cover how to guard against cross-site request forgery (CSRF) and the roles of pre-compiled and runtime security measures.

  • Importance of Security
  • Security in Angular
  • Sanitizing the Dangerous Values and Trusting Values
  • bypassSecurityTrustHtml
  • bypassSecurity TrustScript
  • bypassSecurityTrustStyle
  • bypassSecurityTrustUrl
  • bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl
  • Cross-site Request Forgery
  • Pre-Compiled and runtime

Using ng2-Translate

In this module, youโ€™ll explore how to implement and leverage ng2-Translate to manage multilingual content in your Angular applications. Youโ€™ll dive into setting up translation files, configuring the translation service, and using it to dynamically switch between languages dynamically, ensuring a seamless and localized user experience across your app.

Angular Performance, Optimization and Deployment

In this module of the Full Stack Python Developer Course Syllabus, youโ€™ll learn how to optimize Angular performance by mastering Change Detection Strategies, utilizing Web Workers for better responsiveness, and implementing Precompiling (AoT) for faster load times. Youโ€™ll also discover Lazy Loading techniques and best practices for deploying your application smoothly in production.

  • Change Detection Strategy
  • Understanding Web Workers
  • Precompiling (AoT)
  • Lazy Loading
  • Deployment Best Practices and Production Mode

Real-Time Project with Angular

In this real-time project with Angular, you will be diving into hands-on experience building a dynamic, interactive web application. You will learn to implement real-time data updates, manage state efficiently, and integrate various Angular features to create a seamless user experience.

Elevate your Full Stack skills by taking our Python Full Stack Developer Course in Pondicherry.

FITA Academy Branches


FITA Academy - Velachery
Plot No 7, 2nd floor,
Vadivelan Nagar,
Velachery Main Road,
Velachery, Chennai - 600042
Tamil Nadu

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Anna Nagar
No 14, Block No, 338, 2nd Ave,
Anna Nagar,
Chennai 600 040, Tamil Nadu
Next to Santhosh Super Market

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - T Nagar
05, 5th Floor, Challa Mall,
T Nagar,
Chennai 600 017, Tamil Nadu
Opposite to Pondy Bazaar Globus

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Tambaram
Nehru Nagar, Kadaperi,
GST Road, West Tambaram,
Chennai 600 045, Tamil Nadu
Opposite to Saravana Jewellers Near MEPZ

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Thoraipakkam
5/350, Old Mahabalipuram Road,
Okkiyam Thoraipakkam,
Chennai 600 097, Tamil Nadu
Next to Cognizant Thoraipakkam Office
& Opposite to Nilgris Supermarket

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Porur
17, Trunk Rd,
Chennai 600116, Tamil Nadu
Above Maharashtra Bank

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Pallikaranai
335A, 13th Main Rd,
Ram Nagar South Extn,
Pallikaranai, Chennai,
Tamil Nadu 600100

    :   93450 45466


FITA Academy Marathahalli
No 7, J J Complex,
ITPB Road, Aswath Nagar,
Marathahalli Post,
Bengaluru 560037

    :   93450 45466


FITA Academy - Saravanampatty
First Floor, Promenade Tower,
171/2A, Sathy Road, Saravanampatty,
Coimbatore - 641035
Tamil Nadu

    :   95978 88270

FITA Academy - Singanallur
348/1, Kamaraj Road,
Varadharajapuram, Singanallur,
Coimbatore - 641015
Tamil Nadu

    :   95978 88270

Other Locations

FITA Academy - Madurai
No.178, 1st Floor,
North Veli Street,
Near Alagendran Auto Mobiles,
Simmakkal, Madurai - 625001

    :   93450 45466

FITA Academy - Pondicherry
410, Villianur Main Rd,
Sithananda Nagar, Nellitope,
Puducherry - 605005
Near IG Square

    :   93635 21112

FITA Academy - Tiruppur
61D, Poongodi Towers 2nd floor,
Periyar Colony Bus Stop,
Tirupur - 641 652

    :   9940122502

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    FITA Velachery or T Nagar or Thoraipakkam OMR or Anna Nagar or Tambaram or Porur or Pallikaranai branch is just few kilometre away from your location. If you need the best training in Chennai, driving a couple of extra kilometres is worth it!