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Networking Interview Questions and Answers

Networking is a wider subject that is ever-expanding and also it is one of the emerging careers at present. Based on the survey report submitted by Bureau Labour of Statistics it is stated that the growth of Networking Engineer employment is going to rise at 6% from 2016 to 2026 when compared to other major occupations. Also, the popular job portal sites of India such as and have a total Networking job opening of 10841 and 4948 respectively. 

To prepare yourself for these job positions you must be aware of the Commonly asked Networking Interview Questions and Answers. Here in this blog, we have compiled a set of 101 Important Networking Questions and these questions have been compiled in the perspectiveto give equal emphasis for both the fresher and experienced candidates. 


A link is a connection between two or more devices. A link can be both physical and wireless. Physical links mean switches, cable, and hubs. Wireless includes routers, wireless access points, etc.

Routers are the device that connects two or more network segments. This device transmits the data from one network to the other computer network. The routers are the interlink connection between two networks.

There are 7 layers in the OSI model and they are,

  • Data Link Layer
  • Physical Layer
  • Transport Layer
  • Network Layer
  • Presentation Layer
  • Application Layer
  • Session Layer

The Node refers to the point of redistribution or a communication endpoint in a network. A Node can receive or send the data within a network. More than two nodes are required to create a network connection. Also, the communicating devices may not necessarily be computer always; it can include other devices such as servers, modems, and printers. 

The UTP cable is the 100 ohms cable that is made using copper. This cable consists of 2-1800 unshielded twisted pairs that are enclosed by the non-metallic case and these twists provide resistance to the EMI and electrical noise.

A TCP/IP Model is the compressed version of an OSI Model and this model has 4 layers in it and they are 

  • Process (Application Layer)
  • Internet Layer (Network Layer)
  • Host-to-Host (Transport Layer)
  • Network Access(Combination of Data Link and Physical Layer)

A proxy server forbids external users from unauthorized access to the network.

The term HTTP stands for HyperText Transfer Protocol and this protocol is responsible for Web content.

Similar to the IP address the subnet mask consists of 32 bits that masks an IP address and divides the IP address into Host Address and Network Address.

The term LAN stands for Local Area Network. This refers to the connection between other network devices and computers that are located at a small physical location. These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions and Answers for the Fresher graduates.

100m is the maximum length that is permissible for the UTP cable. It includes 10m of the standard patch cable and 90m of solid cabling.

Network Topology indicates the layouts of the computer network. Network Topology shows how the cables and devices are laid out physically and how they are connected.

The advantages of Distributed processing are 

  • Security
  • Faster Problem Solving
  • Support Encapsulation
  • Distributed Database
  • Collaborative processing
  • Security through redundancy
Networking interview questions and answers

The Hidden Shares are also known as Administrative share which is a network that is invisible while viewing the other computer’s shares

The requirements to configure the server are

  • Check whether the LAN card is connected properly
  • Check whether the Root is in the NTFS format
  • And verify whether the server is configured with static IP address

There are three methods and they are

  • Simplex
  • Half-duplex
  • Full-duplex

The Frame relay is the packet-switching technology and it operates at the data link layer.

The common software problems are 

  • Protocol mismatch
  • Security issues
  • Client-server problems
  • Configuration error
  • Application conflicts
  • User policy & rights issues

The role of the Network Layer in the OSI reference model includes packet switching, control the network congestion, and data routing. These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced candidates in an interview. 

networking interview questions and answers
  • TP Heavy – On the basis of TP Monitors
  • TP Lite-On On the basis of Store procedures

NAT – stands for Network Address Translation. It is the protocol which offers multiple ways for the computers on the common network for sharing single contact to the Internet

User Datagram Protocol also known as UDP is used in creating the loss-tolerating and low-latency between the applications that are connected over the internet. UDP facilitates communication through messages or datagrams and process-to-process communication.

Wide Area Network also known as WAN is the inter networking of the devices and computers which are dispersed geographically. WAN helps in connecting the networks that are situated in different countries and regions. 

It ensures continuous data availability and it is performed by excluding the single point of failure and this is why implementing the Fault Tolerance system is important.

The building blocks of the Client/Server are,

  • The client
  • The server 
  • Middleware

The different types of transparencies provided by the NOS middleware are,

  • Logon transparency
  • Namespace transparency
  • Location transparency
  • Remote/ Local access transparency
  • Distributed time transparency
  • Replication transparency
  • Administration transparency
  • Failure transparency 

MAC is also known as Media Access Control, that uniquely detects the device on a network. It is also called the Ethernet Address or Physical Address. Generally, the MAC address is made using 6- byte parts.

It is the Network Security system that is used in monitoring and controlling the network traffic that is based on predefined rules. Firewalls establish the barriers between an external and internal network to evade attacks from unreliable external networks. Also, it is the front-line to defend the threats. A Firewall could either be software or hardware or at times both. These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions for the Experienced Candidates in an Interview. 

The Extended Services provided by the OS are as follows,

  • Network OS extension
  • Authentication and Authorization services
  • Network Time
  • Ubiquitous communications
  • System Management
  • BLOBs – Binary large objects 
  • Internet Services
  • Transaction and Database Services
  • Object-oriented services
  • Network yellow pages and Global directories

They are the fully-loaded machines that include the functionalities of fault-tolerant features, multiprocessors, and high-speed disk arrays for I/O

Networking interview questions for freshers

OSPFOpen Shortest Path First is the link-state routing protocol which uses the routing tables for identifying the shortest and best possible way for exchanging the data in a Network.

It affects the performance while using the network that is shared by anybody on the WorkStation. 

The base services provided by the OS are,

  • Task priority
  • Semaphores
  • Task preemption
  • Threads
  • Intertask protection
  • Multi User
  • Efficient memory management
  • Local/Remote Interprocess communication
  • Dynamically linked Run-time extensions
  • Interprocess communications (IPC)
  • High-performance file system

A Round Trip Time or a Round Trip Delay Time refers to the time taken for the signal that has to be sent and also the ACK (Acknowledgement) of the signal that has to be received. 

The advantages of the optic fibers are 

  • Provides greater bandwidth when compared to other metal cables
  • Lesser production rates
  • Thin and light
  • It is difficult to tap
  • Low Power loss and supports longer transmission distances
  • They are immune to the electromagnetic interference

It is the method of breaking down a piece of information into smaller and manageable chunks before transmitting to other networks. During this process, the destination and source addresses are attached to the headers with parity checkers. 



It consists of one or more Computer Acting as Server

All the computers are peers

Domain has a Centralized Database

Every Computer has its own database

Here the computer can be on the different LANs

Computers should be on the same LAN

  • Service
  • Transparency of location
  • Shared Resources
  • Mix- and Match
  • Scalability
  • Integrity
  • Encapsulation of services
  • Asymmetrical protocols
  • Message-based exchanges

NOS – Network Operating System is one of the specialized software. The primary role of the NOS software is to support network connectivity to the computer and to communicate with other connected devices and computers. 

It is the Network setup which uses both peer-to-peer architecture and client-server

DHCP – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is the Network Management Protocol. It uses the IP/UDP networks and rapidly assigns the IP addresses for the devices on a Network. It, in turn, eliminates the need for a Network Admin who has to manually assign the IP addresses and thereby prevent from reducing errors. 

It is the Network technology that is used in MAN, LAN, and WAN which connects devices with the help of cables to transmit the data. This provides services on Data Link and Physical layers of an OSI Model

  • Resource Manager
  • Transaction Manager 
  • Application Program

This includes communication stacks, authentication services, network time, distributed directories, RPC, Queuing services with the network OS extensions like print services, and distributed file.

The two main reasons that affect the security of the network are

  • Viruses
  • Unauthorized Access

In this protocol, the sender after sending the frame waits for the acknowledgment. Usually, the sender over here sends the other frame only when he receives acknowledgement of the previous frame. 

  • Frequency Failure
  • Recovery speed of the Network after failure

The Gateways provide a connection between more than two network segments. Generally, a computer runs the gateway software and supports the translation services. The translation service is the key feature that permits systems on the network to communicate. These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions and Answers to the Fresher candidates in an Interview.

The three main elements of the protocol are Semantics, Timing, and Syntax. 

The Two Broad Classes of the Middleware are 

  • General middleware
  • Service-specific middleware.

SLIP – Serial Line Interface Protocol is one of the oldest protocols which was developed at the early time of UNIX. And this Protocol is primarily used in remote access.

All the Signal has both the upper range and lower range frequency. When you determine the range limit between these two frequencies you call it bandwidth. 

The different types of servers are,

  • File Servers
  • Web Servers
  • Database Servers
  • Transaction Servers
  • Groupware Servers
  • Object Servers
  • Streaming Servers for Video/Audio

It is used for granting access to the users in the Public servers. The users who access data in these servers are not required to identify themselves rather they can log in as the anonymous guest.

Networking interview questions for experienced

It is the command-line utility program. Netstat provides valuable insights into the current IP/TCP settings of a network.

Cables that are used for a longer length than which is prescribed will result in loss of signal. Also, the data transmission and response time will be affected when the signal degrades over the length. 

It is the utility program that permits monitoring the connection between the connected devices on a network. Generally, we can Ping devices using the device name, IP address, or by using the computer name. 

The Protocols which are backed by the Windows RRAS services are,

  • NetBEUI
  • TCP/IP
  • IPX

These are the Important Networking Questions that are asked to the Freshers and the Experienced candidate in an Interview.

Basis of distinction




It used for the applications that require less speed and more reliability

It used for applications that required more speed and less reliability


The messages are delivered in the correct order without any errors in it.

There is no assurance that the messages are delivered in the correct order without any errors in it

Flow Control

TCP has the congestion control mechanism

UDP has no flow control option


TCP receives ACK

ACK is not received in UDP

Checking the Error

Resends erroneous segments

It ejects in sending the Erroneous segments

Data Segments

The Data Segments can be arranged in the required order

The Segments are independent and there is no specific order to send the Data segments.

The five important technologies are as follows,

  • TP Monitors
  • Distributed Objects
  • Groupware
  • Intranets
  • Database Servers

It is the mode that is used in encrypting the complete IP packet inclusive of the payload and the headers. The tunnel mode is primarily used in the site-to-site VPN for securing communication between firewalls and gateways, etc.

  • Reduced system cost
  • Firewalls of protection
  • Load balancing
  • High availability
  • Scalability of functions
  • MOM integration









It is the utility program that is used in identifying useful and important information and IP addresses of a computer in the network. This shows both the IP address and the Physical address 

Terminal Emulation is also called Telnet. It appears in the application layer.

There are three different technologies and they are

Digital Connection – It uses telephones lines that are digitally graded

Analog Connections – It uses the conventional type of Telephone lines

Switched Connections – It uses the different sets of links between a sender and the receiver for moving the data

Service Access Points (SAP) – It is an interface point or networking endpoint that permits one OSI layer to make requests services to another OSI Layer. 

Four protocols come under the TCP/IP Internet Layer and they are

  • IP
  • ARP
  • ICMP
  • IGMP

These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced candidates in an Interview. 




It can connect more than 2 Ethernet Cables

It can connect more than 2 LAN devices

A Router can connect a device, LAN, or a WAN as well

Hub can perform the filtering function

Switch filters the packets before sending them

It has highly configured features that helps in filtering the packets before sending it

Hub is not complex to function and it is more simple in functionalities also it is not expensive

It is more or less similar to the hub but it is more effective than a hub. 

It is a highly complex and smart device when compared to hub and switch

REX – Request to Exit, It is the signal which notifies the controller that someone has requested to exit from the secure area

The Applications of the Hamming code are

  • Modems
  • Satellites
  • PlasmaCAM
  • Computer Memory
  • Embedded Processor
  • Open Connectors
  • Shielding wire

There are two types of MAC Addresses UAA and LAA.

UAA – Universally Administered Address

This is the most commonly used MAC Address. This address can be found on the Network Adapter and it is provided at the time of manufacturing.

LAA – Locally Administered Address 

This is the address that is used for changing the MAC address on an adapter. We can assign this address to a device with the help of Network Administrator

networking interview questions and answers
  • Star Topology – Here all the Nodes are connected to the Central hub
  • Ring Topology – Every Node connect with two other nodes
  • Bus Topology – Every device here connect with a common sharing point
  • Mesh Topology – Every node is connected with more than 1 node

Under 2.45 GHz is the maximum frequency range

The three major connection that is used by the Bluetooth is,

  • Single slave
  • Master-slave
  • Scatternet

It is the type of circuit that is used for converting the encoded data back to its original format. The Decoder is capable of converting the digital signal into an analog signal

Mbps is the measurement that is used for measuring the transmittal speed of the Ethernet.

It is the network that interconnects the different parts of a network to their respective area or where it belongs. It is the component that helps all the other components in a Networking system. These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions for Experienced candidates in an Interview.

This host consists of different network interfaces that have multiple IP addresses and it is called a Multi-homed host.

Unofficially, the network administrators use this term for transferring electronic information through physical devices such as USB flash, Optical disk, or a Floppy disk.

A network Topology where a computer just listens to the data signals being transmitted but does not participate in the network communication is termed as Passive Topology. 

  • Local Area Network(LAN) – They are used in small geographical locations such as Hospitals, Schools, and Offices.
  • Campus Area Network (CAN) – This type of connection is used within the campus area which helps in connecting the different departments of an organization who are in the same campus
  • Personal Area Network (PAN) – It is used for connecting personal devices to this network. The devices include Telephone, Fax, Printers, and Computers. Also, its range limit is only 10 meters
  • Wide Area Network (WAN) – This is used connecting networks among different geographical areas such as countries and cities.
  • House Area Network (HAN) – This is actually the LAN. This Network is used within a house and it is used for connecting personal devices such as Mobile Phones. Computers, Laptops, Tab, and Printers.
  • Global Area Network (GAN) – This network uses the satellites for connecting devices across the globe
  • Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) – This network is used for connecting the Computer Network that spans over different metropolitan cities in a geographical area
networking interview questions and answers
  • Collisions
  • Bad cabling
  • Improper termination
  • Improper cable length

It is the liner code that helps in error detection for two immediate bit errors. This code is capable of detecting single-bit errors. Generally, in the hamming code, the source conceals the text by adding on the redundant bits in the text. And these redundant bits are mostly generated and added at specific positions in the text for accomplishing the rectification and error detection process. 

2.25 Gigabytes per second or 18 Gbps is the maximum bandwidth of the HDMI 2.0 cable

No, they are no longer used in the computer network.

  • Speed depends on the amount of cost invested
  • It can be used as the data communication roadway
  • Used in connecting the LAN with the Internet.

Almost all the Telephone cables use the RJ11 connector. 

These are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions for Freshers and Experienced candidates in an Interview. 

It helps in connectionless delivery of packets between the computer systems also there is no assurance that the packets are delivered. 

FTP – File Transfer Protocol, it is used for transferring the files between FTP client and the FTP server

It works on the Physical layer of an OSI model



It minimizes the recovery time

It helps in reducing the collision

It is primarily used in the wired networks

It is primarily used in the wireless network

The effect is usually seen after the collision

The effect is usually seen before the collision

The Network bridge which is also called an Ethernet bridge can connect two segments of the same network together. And these segments are not independent entities rather they are owned and handled by the same organizations. The major purpose of this bridge is to split the network into manageable sections. 

Yes it can connect to various networks like token ring and ethernet

A profile is the configuration setting that is made for all the users in the Networking domain. The created profile helps in moving the users to a specific group. 

The major services provided by the Operating system are 

  • Communication
  • Error detection
  • Program execution
  • I/O operations
  • File system manipulation

185 meters is the maximal length permitted for the Thinnet cables.

A Pipelining defines the sequencing of a process.

Thicknet cable is also known as the RG8 cable


The above are the commonly asked Networking Interview Questions and Answers in an Interview. In the coming days, we will also add more Networking Interview Questions and Answers to this blog that are prevalent in the Industry. Apart from preparing for the Interview, getting professional training with hands on experience and Certification helps you to understand the Networking concepts proficiently. CCNA Course in Chennai at FITA or CCNA Course in Bangalore at FITA provides you a holistic training of the Networking layers under expert guidance with certification. Enroll yourself at the Networking Training at FITA to enhance your knowledge.


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