After years of education, People are still messing up with grammatical errors. Even the most educated or native speaking people who know more about the English language do make some grammar mistakes. Common mistakes like words, spelling, and punctuation, etc. People are not even aware that they are making errors and it is common to everyone.
Here weโve assembled the 10 most common grammar mistakes made by everyone and some steps to avoid it.
- Your/Youโre
Your- is the possessive adjective. It is used to describe that โsomething belongs to youโ. It is followed by nouns and gerunds.
- Where is your pot?
- That is your book.
Youโre- is the contraction of โYOU AREโ as YOUโRE.
- What youโre doing?
- Youโre Stupid.
- Complement/Compliments
Complement: is something that adds to or supplements something else. It can act as either a noun or a verb.
- ย Red wine is a good complement to a streak.
- Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.
Compliment: It is something nice someone says about you.
- She receives compliments on her good sense of fashion.
- She gave me nice compliments
- Affect/Effect
Affect- is used as a verb. To influence or cause, that means it is acting on something or someone.
- Alcohol affects the brain and heart.
Effect- It is usually used as a noun. It shows the result of something that has occurred.
- This medicine has no side effects
- Comma Fault
A comma is used to connect or join the two independent Clauses.
Incorrect Sentences: He was very hungry, he ate a whole bun.
Correct sentence: He was very hungry, so he ate a whole bun.
- Into/In to
Into- It is a preposition that indicates movement towards the inside of the place.
- ย I came into the room
- He fell into the trap.
In to- It just the combination of the individual words โINโ and โTOโ
- I dropped in to see you.
- I came in to tell you something.
- Its/Itโs
Its- is used to indicate possession.
- The dog is chasing its tail.
- Its tail was long.
Itโs- is a contraction of โit isโ or โit hasโ.
- Itโs an apple
- Every Rose has its thorn.
- Watch/Look/See
Watch/ See/ Look are often confusable in meaning. These verbs are used in different situations. Differentiation between these verbs are explained below:
Watch: Look at something carefully, when something is moving.
- Watch TV
Look: To look at something directly.
- Look at that strange man
See: Notice or became aware of things.
- See that bird.
- To/Too
To- is a preposition with several meanings, including towards and until. It shows the direction.
- I gave my books to her.
- We walked to the shop.
Too- It is an adverb that can also mean, as well as additionally.
- I am too excited.
- You can sing too.
- Lose/loose
Lose: It is a verb that means, failed or didnโt win at something or โto suffer a lossโ or โto missโ
- The team will lose if they donโt play well.
Loose: It is an adjective that means โnot tightโ
- She is wearing a loose dress.
- Could/Would/Should
Could: It is the past forms of can and canโt.It used to make polite requests, possibilities, and suggestions.
- Could you please open that window?
- We could have left the party earlier.
Would: Used to talk about unreal or unlikely situations, or imagining results.
- You would be healthier if you exercise regularly.
- If I were the CEO of my company, I would make a lot of changes.
Should: It used for advising or suggesting someone.
- You should go to the doctor. You look sick.
- We should go home.
English Languages has its own tricky rules, it only requires a little practice to become Master the Grammar.