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Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming concept based on the objects that interact with each other to perform the functions. Each object can be characterized by a behaviour and state. An object keeps the current state and the behavior in the fields and methods. It emphasizes the DRY(Don’t Repeat Yourself) Principle. For instance, an object […]
Read MorePython has been the trending language and becoming more and more popular since a few years. Although it gained its popularity in 2003 , it was introduced in the 1980s by Guido van Rossum at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands as a successor to the ABC language. It gained its popularity due […]
Read MoreIn this blog, we will discuss about the goto statement in python, but before that, What Is goto Iterations in goto statement comefrom Program to implement goto Equivalent of goto in python Note that we will be using loops, functions to solve this specific problem. To grab great insights of these topics and more along […]
Read MoreThe Fibonacci series is one of the most fascinating sequences in mathematics, appearing in nature, art, and even financial markets. In programming, it’s a great way to understand recursion, loops, and efficiency in algorithms. Whether you’re a beginner learning Python or an experienced developer exploring algorithm optimization, implementing the Fibonacci sequence is a fundamental exercise. […]
Read MoreLet’s discuss the following things in this blog. What is inheritance Types in inheritance Single Level Inheritance Multi-Level Inheritance Multiple Inheritance Hierarchical Inheritance Hybrid Inheritance The __init__ method super() charge method You might have some resemblance or inherited behaviours or traits in you from your family’s lineage. Just like this, you can inherit properties of […]
Read MoreYou will often need to group several elements in your program in order to process them as a single object.For this you will need to use different methods in collections.One of the most useful methods in collections module, in Python is a list. Table Of Content Lists In Python Characteristics Of Lists Methods In lists […]
Read MoreIn this blog we’ll go step by step to design programs to check if a string or a number is palindrome or not .You can also create your own program to solve this problem based on the algorithms. What is Palindrome What is a Palindrome Number, Palindrome String or a Palindrome Phrase Python Program To […]
Read MorePython is a General-purpose High-Level programming language. Python offers various criteria like structural, object-orientation, and functional programming for software development. Pythonย programming language operates on the cross-platform operating system. It is mostly used to develop a broad range of applications designed for text processing, enterprise-level using scientific, image processing, numeric and data from the network. Youtube, […]
Read MorePython was created by Guido Van Rossum, and the first version of python was created in 1990. It is Object-Oriented and a high level interpreted programming language. It is mainly used to develop algorithms and programs for different domains. PHP– Stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, it was created in 1995. PHP is a server-side scripting language, […]
Read MoreThe Python was created by Guido Van Rossum, in 1989. In 1994, Python Version 1.0 was released. It includes functional programming tools and also could interact with the Amoeba Operating System. Presently Python has various implementations, like Jython, it scripted in Java for Java Virtual Machine. IronPython has been written in C#, for the infrastructure […]
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