- Appium is a ________ A. Web Testing Framework B. Web and Mobile Testing Framework C. Mobile Testing Framework D. None of the Above
- Which of the Operating Systems does Appium Support? A. Android, iOS and Windows B. Android, iOS and Firefox mobile OS C. Android, QNX, iOS and Windows D. Android, iOS and QNX
- Which of the Languages Appium does not support? A. Javascript B. Python C. C D. Ruby
- Which of the Languages Appium does not support? A. Javascript B. Python C. C D. Ruby
- Appium Inspector is ________ A. Records and plays native application behavior by inspecting DOM B. Records and plays web application behavior by inspecting DOM C. Records and plays native application behavior by inspecting COM D. Records and plays native application behavior by inspecting DOM and generates the test scripts in any desired language
- What is Xcode is ________ A. an integrated development environment for OS X and iOS B. an integrated development environment for iOS C. an integrated development environment for Android and iOS D. an integrated development environment for Android, QNX, iOS and Windows
- What is Appium Doctor A. Tool to verify appium installation B. Tool to debug code C. Tool to verify installation and debug code D. None of the above
- Appium is installed using A. install appium-doctor B. npm install appiumdoctor C. npm install appiumdoctor -g D. npm install appium-doctor -g
- Which of the following Appium does not support in iOS A. Real iDevices B. Simulators C. Emulators D. Mobile Safari
- Desired capabilities are A. a set of keys to login to Appium server B. a set of keys and values sent to the Appium server C. Used to specify Appium Version D. Used to specify Appium Version and Device name
- POM is ________ A. a XML file B. a XHTML file C. a JSON file D. a HTML file
- POM is ________ A. used for Configuring in Appium B. used for Configuring in Sauce Labs C. used for Configuring the project in MAVEN D. None of the Above
- ANT Scripts are ________ A. Tool box and the Scripts Reusable B. Framework and the Scripts are Reusable C. Tool box and the Scripts are not Reusable D. Framework and the Scripts are not Reusable
- To Create AVD in Eclipse, you need to ________ A. Go to Window and choose Android Virtual Device Manager B. Go to Project and choose Android Virtual Device Manager C. Go to Window and select Navigation and choose Android Virtual Device Manager D. All the Above
- Parameterization in TestNG can be achieved by ________ A. Testng.xml or Dataprovider B. Testng.xml C. Dataprovider D. Parameterization.xml